Tuesday, May 02, 2006

WNEP plans podcasts this year

My predictions about WNEP planning to podcast its news content were true. At this weekend's AP convention, WNEP's online producer talked about the station's plans to have something up and running by the end of the year, according to several people who were there.

For those who don't know, a podcast is basically just a bunch of MP3s you download and listen to. But new media types have given it a fancy name and dubbed it the best thing since sliced bread.

So, what will WNEP be podcasting? News? Features? The best of Talkback 16 Online narrated by Nolan Johannes? I guess we'll have to wait and see. But it's clear that WNEP is now trying to go after a new demographic, as the only people who watch local news anymore are the people who remember the Huntley-Brinkley Report.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that this is a step in the right direction for WNEP. You must admit, their website is pretty good, and being the only station in the market STILL without online video, this is just another advancement for WNEP. One 'new' aspect stations outside this market are starting to utilize is an afternoon update. It is a short clip produced only for the web, targeting the many 9-5 employees who have a few spare minutes online before heading home. NewsChannel 9 - WSYR, the ABC affiliate in Syracuse NY has a 3:00 afternoon update online, which is only online between 3pm and 5pm, with a look at the night's big stories, along with a tease of the weather. I think with the future of Podcasting for WNEP, along with other advancements, I believe WYOU/WBRE have a lot of catching up to do (if that will ever happen)

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I believe is this - local news, here and across the nation, is in deep, deep trouble. An entire generation has lost touch(and need)to watch "the news" daily, the simply do not care. To quote a long-time NY friend in the national marketing biz, "Local news is a critically ill patient, and the prognosis isn't good."

8:45 PM  

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